Thursday 13 August 2015

Biore Cleansing Oil Review

First of all, before I begin with the whole review on this product. I have a confession to make, I've always disliked using makeup remover because they always smell like chemical and it stings in the eyes. However I've never found another makeup remover that works like this cleansing oil, which makes it very easy to remove and that does not hurt my eyes. Love!

Okay, let's begin with how I discovered this product. Back in the days, when I started to use makeup in the first place. The removers I was using were the oil + water base ones. Honestly, I dislike those very much as mentioned earlier. It leaves me nothing but a very bad panda eyes, and oiliness on face. Ew. That is when a friend of mine from the Beauty Academy introduced me to the Biore Cleansing Oil. Knowing that I was just a student back then and wasn’t really earning anything to be buying high ends cleansing oil. Biore’s would do okay. And guess what I loved it ever since! I’ve used it for so many years, up to now. Say about 4 years now? No regrets, at all! Honestly, for a bottle of 150ml I only had to purchase 2 bottles per year and that would be enough! No kidding, a bottle would last me up for half a year. The product removes makeup fantastically. The oil is thin yet it does thorough job! When water is added to the face, the oil turns milky and washes away immediately leaving no residue. Nothing but a comfortably clean face. It doesn’t strip your face or leave it feeling tight. And the best part of all, it only cost me RM 21.80 per bottle the last time I purchased it! Worth to pay for right?

Lastly, I do not get any break outs using this method. In fact my skin is clearer as it pulls out the excess oil from my skin. Also my T-zone has become less oily throughout the day with this method. And that is why, I would recommend this product 100% to all of you out there. Hope this review help you in any way!

With Love, 
Aleen A

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