Friday 6 November 2015

Daiso Beauty Products Part III

It has been a while since I last post about "Daiso Beauty Products". So long, I almost forgot about it! That was until I discovered something new from Daiso. I don't know if you know, but I've been a fan of painting my own nails. Love em! Collecting new colors in my collection, that's something I enjoy doing. However, this time by coincidence my "top coat" were dried out and I just so happen to visit Daiso that weekend. Knowing there's a few type of them there, I had to get two. And so, I purchased the "Quick Dry" and "Super Glossy" ones. Not to forget, these were just RM 5.30 EACH! Last night, I tested them both on each of my hands. Let's see the result shall we?

Daiso's Quick Dry Top Coat by Winmax 

Result of the Quick Dry Top Coat 
(really sorry for the messy manicure, hope you can see the result!)

Now on the packaging of this one itself was mentioned for it to dry up as quick as 45 seconds. To be frank, I was disappointed by this statement. As it definitely took more that 10 minutes to dry! The top coat itself was very watery! I was also, not happy with the result that it gave me once it has dried out. It sort of made my colored nail look very cheap when I know it should look well groom. If you get what I mean? The scent, was fine though. it was not like it smelt unpleasing or anything. It's just the result that it gave me. Definitely, would not re-purchase this in the future. 

Daiso's Super Glossy Top Coat by Winmax

Result of the Super Glossy Top Coat 

On to the second one, Super Glossy. Now this I love! Mentioned on the packaging that it is actually incredibly glossy. And so I thought it is! This one, does not lie! If you are looking for that glossy finish you shall get your hands on this! It brings back my trust towards Daiso's Beauty Products! The texture of this one, seems right. It does take very long to dry up, which I'm used to with other Top Coats out there. I just love how the glossy finish that it gives me. Before this, I was using Sally Hansen's "Big Shiny" top coat and I'm glad to say, that and this works almost the same! And the price difference though for something that works "almost" the same! (sorry Sally Hansen!) For only, RM 5.30 on this glossy one. I'd say, go and get one NOW! Definitely a win!

I hope this helps, on your Top Coat search out there! I guess the lesson of this post is, not all "lower price" items are good. But it's okay to try. You might not know it might be a keeper! I'll keep you update on "Daiso's Beauty Products" soon. More interesting post coming up! Stay tuned! 

With Love, 
Aleen Abdollah

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