Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Daft Punk // Random Access Memories

It will be different this time around. What do I mean by that is, this post will not just be another “beauty post”, I have been inspired listening to their music. Too inspired, I simply just have to write about them. And that is, about Daft Punk. I’ve known them for so long, as they are main stream. However, I’ve never been the biggest fan. That is until, I heard their full album on “Random Access Memories”. Oh my god. To be honest, I’ve never been a fan of Electronic/Auto Tune Music. But this album catches me. Why? Listening, to each song from this. Learning their story behind it. It’s not just good music. It contains of many stories. Stories, I’m interested in.

“Meaningful, free feeling, mind – blowing.” Is what I thought understanding this album. This album was done in the year, 2013. I know how outdated of me right? I actually started listening to their full album, in my brother’s car in a road trip. And once, I got back home, buying their album is what I know I needed to do. No regrets, clearly. Why I am such a big fan of this album, is that I enjoy how they could capture the old good sound of the 50s – 70s, and turned it into their own modern version of music. I mean, that’s like a good combo that no one could think of other than Daft Punk themselves. I must say, I am influenced to listen to this album because my brother. He was so obsessed on this album for years now. It never bore him in any way. And he would tell me all over again what each song meant to him on his own perceptions. Which I thought was great, how he appreciates it. I mean, I fall in love deeply in music easily as I think there are many genre out there that is great in their own special way. It’s how you enjoy loving it,that matters.

I have been playing this album for almost a week now. On repeat. In fact, I find this album a good start of the day as they have many happy songs in it. And the beats of it.  Amazing. Such as, Give Life Back to Music, Giorgio by Moroder, Instant Crush, Get Lucky, Lose Yourself to Dance, Fragments of Time, etc. Knowing that, Daft Punk actually collaborated with many good artist on this album attracts me more.  Tell you what, to make this post even better, I’ll be telling you my perspective on the 3 favorites songs I have in here. Keep on reading! J

1.       Give Life Back To Music

This track is actually the first song to be played on this album. It’s like “love at first sight” I must say. How happy the 70’s modern beats make me once it is being played. The lyrics were catchy as per below;

“Let the music in tonight
Just turn on the music
Let the music of your life
Give life back to music”

This went on repeat throughout the whole song, what could be better than these words, for a start of a record right? I find it amazing, as if, there’s a ride to this album, and I am heading somewhere with it. This song definitely, drives me to it!

2.       Giorgio by Moroder

Now this song, is by far my favourite from this album. The song was created as a tribute to Italian electronic music innovator, Giorgio Moroder. It starts with a monologue by the synth legend in which he narrates his life story,beginning with growing up in a German small town wanting to be a musician, driving to the disco, sleeping in car, and how he decided on using a synthesizer because “I knew that could be the sound of the future”. Inspiring right? This guy practically created electronic music 40 years ago! And based on the sound of this song, it’s impossible of anyone to not like it! Believe me, you’ll not regret one bit listening to it!

3.       Instant Crush featuring Julian Casablancas

First of all, the vocal from this song was actually Julian Casablancas who is also the led singer of The Strokes. And I have been the biggest fan of The Strokes, which explains why this song is in my top 3! Well, to be honest, I did not enjoy this as much as I did enjoy The Strokes, because of Julian’s auto tuned vocals. In fact, I even had trouble understanding this song. But once, I go through the lyrics. I thought, hmm. This is something different, it is so deep, to understand. One dark, lonely song. I thought. I’ve seen reviews, many had interesting perceptions. Which could relate. Until now, I am not sure what this song is about, some said, “love triangle”, others said its something about his relationship with his wife. Like I said, so many perceptions, I guess that’s why it’s one of my favourites. Its because, I’m so curious of what its about. I just could not stop listening to it, going through the lyrics, till I get my own perception. 

Alright now, I hope you enjoy this post. If you are interested as I was, do get a copy of this album. It's the finest! It basically brings, a "Back to The Future" feeling . You won't regret it. Trust me.  

Aleen Abdollah

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