Wednesday 30 December 2015

2015 Beauty Favorites!

Hi there! I am here wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! It's been a while since I last updated something. 19 days to be exact! Fuhh, that's long! Well, I am back now! For good, and since it's going to be a new year soon. I've promised myself to commit more on blogging. Cause in the end of the day, that's what bring me joy! Seeing others, enjoying my posts. 

Well, since its been a while. I thought this post, would be a great idea to round up my year. And soon, we could start blogging on new interesting things. Right? This post will be a special on my Beauty Favorites in the year 2015. BOY, don't I have many. If I were to put them all in one post, it would probably be, 3 times longer! And so, I decided to narrow it down to only 3! 3 beauty favorites, I drag with me all year long! Let's get started shall we?
Seaweed Clarifying Toner by The Body Shop

First favorite, Seaweed Clarifying Toner by The Body Shop. My oh my! This is AMAZING! I've never fell so hard and deeply in love with a face toner. To be honest, this is the first time a toner leaves me feeling this way! I mentioned this product before in my "August 15' Favorites" my thoughts on this has never changed! This retail at RM 55 on 200ml! Worth the purchase, if you are combo skin like me. TRUST ME!

Catrice Eyebrow Filler

Favorite number two. *Drumrolls! This one, I cannot live without, second purchased on this. An Eyebrow Filler by Catrice Cosmetics. Catrice The color of it, is a bit ashy for my eyebrows. But I however love the effect it leaves my eyebrows! It sets my brows, and the color of it would stay in even better with this! What's not to love right? Retail at only, RM 16.90 at any of the nearest Guardian to you!

Clean on Me, by Soap & Glory

Third favorite, I don't know where to begin with on this one. I mean, save the best for last right? This is my definite holy grail. I cannot live without this baby for even a day, Whatever I do, I would at least use this once in a day. if you're wondering, yes I do have them in travelling size as well. EVERYWHERE & ANYTIME! I started using this, this year. However with even, other body wash being there in my shower. There's always a bottle of this in there, This is my fourth bottle this year! The scent, is actually from the Original Pink range. Which I LOVE! I don't know if you know, but I can never deny sweetness! Hope you you could understand, how I enjoy this, and still is obsessed with this baby! This retail at RM 55 in 500ml.

There you have it guys, my Top 3, 2015 Beauty Favorites! Tried to keep it as simple as I could, hope you enjoy it! HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

Aleen Abdollah

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