Saturday 17 October 2015

IN2IT Gel Tint for Lips and Cheeks

Hey there! After spending so much on beauty this month, I have tried so hard to stop myself from buying anything anymore. Well, I guess I could not help it. Luckily, the IN2IT Gel Tint were very affordable! This happened,when I was browsing around in the mall alone the other day. I know I could not afford to buy anything "high end" at this time of the month, and so I decided to go to the Drugstore, Guardian to be exact. Later on, while I was not planning on getting anything as mentioned. I got my eyes on the IN2IT's Gel Tint, I mean look at how cute the packaging is! Let me share to you, a little about this product.

IN2IT Gel Tint for Lips & Cheeks

As picture above, you probably can tell on which color I chose. They have four in range, but these two catch my eyes the most! Plus, the other two were lighter shades. I had to go for the bright ones, knowing me! I bought these each for only RM 9.80 from Guardian! VERY affordable right? I have been using these for 3 days more or less. I could not yet share the full review. So far, all I know is these two works on lips and cheeks and yes I have tried it on. I thought probably it will work better with full make up on. I would not expect much from this product as I also have never tried much on any of the Gel Tint out there, However, a full review will be in soon, I promise! 

IN2IT Gel Tint for Lips & Cheeks in GT 03 , Raspberry

 IN2IT Gel Tint for Lips & Cheeks in GT 01, Peach

Swatches on the IN2IT Gel Tint for Lips & Cheeks

Above, are the pictures I could snap to summarize the outlook of this product. I hope you'll enjoy this one! Stay tuned on the full review on this!

P/S ; New discoveries, bring surprises! Stay tuned!

With Love, 

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