Sunday 6 September 2015

New Obsession ; Creamy Coconut Moisturizing Hand & Body Lotion by Marks & Spencer

Hi all, hope you're doing fine there! After a week break from everything I have pampered myself with many many things. From food, to beauty to fashion. I enjoyed every seconds! Although I did not go anywhere far from home,  I still had fun! Well today's post is nothing special aside from something I discovered from Marks & Spencer. Okay, during the break I did wondered around few shopping malls to find something nice to share with you out there. After all that, I plan to review them one by one to keep it interesting for you. So today, I am going to share to you about my new obsession out of all the discoveries. Which brings us back to, the Creamy Coconut Moisturizing Hand & Body Lotion by Marks & Spencer. 

First of all, if you do follow my blogs you would know I am easily obsessed with body lotions. I just cannot resist! However when I went into the Marks & Spencer outlet in Paradigm Mall, I swear I was just going for the amazing cookies they have in store but in the company of my housemate we marched to the beauty section and I just went "nah, not my thing" all the scent regimen smelt too floral for me. That was until I got to the coconut section! The scent is amazing, it really makes me feel as if I'm very close to the beach. And how relaxed I was by using this. How can I not be obsessed? The best part is, I assumed Marks & Spencer price range would be expensive which is why I have never thought of buying anything from there. Truth is, they're not at all! They are super affordable. This 300ml bottle of Creamy Coconut Moisturizing Hand & Body Lotion only cost me RM 21 each! Why I'm saying each? I actually got two. The other one in "Water Lily" which is great too. But at the moment this Coconut comes very handy at all time. I even have this on my bed side, to ease my sleep. If you get want I mean.

The texture of this hand and body lotion is very light, which I love as it dries easier once applied. However, you will not feel as moisturized as heavier body lotions. If you have dry skin, this definitely will not help much. If you have normal skin, it will do fine as it does to me, everyday! I hope you can tell how obsessed I am with this. And lastly if you are planning on getting this(which I hope you do though), I hope it'll help you as much as it did to me!

With love, 
Aleen Abdollah

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