Friday 11 September 2015

Daiso Beauty Products Part II

Why hello there! Today's post will be another review on Daiso Beauty Products as mentioned on the header. If you'd remember I did one review on Daiso Charcoal Mask sometime last month, this will be something like that however with a different product, of course. I will keep on trying my best to help you find a good product with an affordable price. So, I hope you will like this as much as the previous one! Now, if you're wondering what's the product this time. It is the Daiso's Make Up Brush Cleaner! As you know this product only cost RM 5.30 per bottle. Like always, this product with the price of RM 5.30 did not fail at all on its magic. Keep on reading and I'll tell you why.

Daiso's Make Up Brush Cleaner 

Make Up Brush Cleaner actually plays a big part in Make Up to begin with. I'd wash my brushes at least once a week! Why? Applying make up with dirty brushes is like spreading germs and bacteria onto your face, that's once good recipe for breakouts. Don't you think? Back to the Daiso Make Up Brush Cleaner itself, I am really satisfied with this one. It worked so good on any of my brushes, be it, for the face, or eyes. All the pigments would come out and leave nothing behind! The one and only thing I disliked about their Brush Cleaner is that, the scent of it does not smell that good like other Brush Cleaner I have ever owned. Other than that, I am very happy with the result. As pictures attached below, is steps of how I used this product with one of my blusher brush. I don't know if I am doing it right, however this is one of the ways that works for me.

Step 1 : Simply take any paper towel / face tissue and pour few drops of the liquid on the paper towel / face tissue itself, amount required is depending on the size of the brush.

Step 2 : Brush your dirty brush through the paper towel / face tissue. Keep repeating this step until you feel that the pigments are all out. 

And that's it you're done! From the picture above you could see how it cleanse your brush just in few minutes. Amazing right? Washing my brushes once a week, this bottle would last me up for about 1 month and a half. With it's price, I just love this product. Would I definitely go back for more. Yessiree! Please do get this, if you are looking for a good Brush Cleaner. Worth the money!

P/S : Girls, applying Make Up do require good brushes. But that also depend on how much care is given to them! Do love and take care your Make Up brushes accordingly! 

Aleen Abdollah

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