Tuesday 22 September 2015

Current Favorite Lipstick(s) and Swatches!

Body Shop #205 // Kissproof Lipstick #011

Lipsticks are something I change regularly, because there's much to love out there! And it surprises me how these two has come in so handy! Firstly, from the left, #205 Color Crush by Body Shop. As I am the biggest fan of The Body Shop, I have never tried anything from their make up line aside from their lip balm. NEVER. The story with the one, is something. I don't know the price of the lipstick tho, as I actually got it from a friend selling unused make ups of hers. With other many things, I tend to ignore this one. Until one day, I was tidying my vanity and realized that "this were unused once, why unused it again?". And so I gave it a try, yet then I did not like it. 

My first thought were, how super moisturized it was and how it left my lips glossy. Not a fan of glossy if you get what I mean. Once, I rub it off with a facial tissue I realized that the color is still there and was surprised on how pigmented the lipstick was. After days of trying to wear the lipstick right I finally manage to get used to it (blot my lips with the facial tissue once applied) and love it ever since! It has been in my pocket, everyday! Amazed! 

#011 by Kissproof Lipstick

Now, if you do not know about Kissproof Lipstick I have actually post on this one on my "July's Favorites" but that was in color code #003 (which is a dark maroon color). However this time I have became attached with this which is in color code #011,the color of this one is very dark which I find it perfect this Autumn! It is mostly like a very dark Burgundy color. If you have not read my "July's Favorites" post on the Kissproof Lipstick , you must not know that Kissproof Lipsticks are one of the matte lipsticks that would last the whole day on my lips! And for only RM 10, I could not say more about this other than how much I just love it! With these two lipsticks, I could just go with a full face nude make up everyday and simply choose which between this two to go with my look and that of course depends on the "feelings" I have on that day. You get me right?

Oh wells, below is the picture of swatches I have on the lipsticks. Hope you all enjoy this post! 
Till next time, lovelies!

P.S :  Sometimes, when you find new discoveries, you might forget about what you already have. You might also, love it once again! So quickly run into your vanity, who knows you might find something that surprises you too!

Aleen Abdollah

Tuesday 15 September 2015


Sometime soon, there will be a post on a drugstore full make up! Inspired on a selected well known brand, with the budget of RM 150 and below! Inclusive of their price list and pictures of individual products. From base to the finisher.
Stay tuned! 

Aleen Abdollah 

Sunday 13 September 2015

Innisfree Eco Nail Polish

Hey lovely. Today, I will be sharing about one of my most used nail polish at the moment. And that will be the Innisfree Eco Nail Polish. To be honest, I have not been a fan to Korean products but of course I thought to myself. Why not, right? Innisfree is a new brand for us Malaysians, the only outlet I know of them is in Sunway Pyramid, Petaling Jaya. As I wonder in their store I did not want to go for anything big yet. And so I ended up, walking out from the store with 4 nail polishes from Innisfree. Picture attached below, were the ones that I decided to get from them.


Color codes
From left : Dark Gray, #28 // Pastel Blue, #18 // Shimmering Green, #101 // Purple Blue, #20

Their Eco Nail Polish only cost RM 10 per bottle (exclude GST), how amazing is that right? What made me become more in love with this product is that how it came with a great smooth brush! Also, the cute packaging! You know how that tempts me! Knowing that they have over than hundred of shades I'd definitely go again and get many more. 


Above, is the one in Pastel #18. Which is also my favorite out of all the 4 that I have purchased. I hope you enjoy this post. Till next time!

Aleen Abdollah

Friday 11 September 2015

Daiso Beauty Products Part II

Why hello there! Today's post will be another review on Daiso Beauty Products as mentioned on the header. If you'd remember I did one review on Daiso Charcoal Mask sometime last month, this will be something like that however with a different product, of course. I will keep on trying my best to help you find a good product with an affordable price. So, I hope you will like this as much as the previous one! Now, if you're wondering what's the product this time. It is the Daiso's Make Up Brush Cleaner! As you know this product only cost RM 5.30 per bottle. Like always, this product with the price of RM 5.30 did not fail at all on its magic. Keep on reading and I'll tell you why.

Daiso's Make Up Brush Cleaner 

Make Up Brush Cleaner actually plays a big part in Make Up to begin with. I'd wash my brushes at least once a week! Why? Applying make up with dirty brushes is like spreading germs and bacteria onto your face, that's once good recipe for breakouts. Don't you think? Back to the Daiso Make Up Brush Cleaner itself, I am really satisfied with this one. It worked so good on any of my brushes, be it, for the face, or eyes. All the pigments would come out and leave nothing behind! The one and only thing I disliked about their Brush Cleaner is that, the scent of it does not smell that good like other Brush Cleaner I have ever owned. Other than that, I am very happy with the result. As pictures attached below, is steps of how I used this product with one of my blusher brush. I don't know if I am doing it right, however this is one of the ways that works for me.

Step 1 : Simply take any paper towel / face tissue and pour few drops of the liquid on the paper towel / face tissue itself, amount required is depending on the size of the brush.

Step 2 : Brush your dirty brush through the paper towel / face tissue. Keep repeating this step until you feel that the pigments are all out. 

And that's it you're done! From the picture above you could see how it cleanse your brush just in few minutes. Amazing right? Washing my brushes once a week, this bottle would last me up for about 1 month and a half. With it's price, I just love this product. Would I definitely go back for more. Yessiree! Please do get this, if you are looking for a good Brush Cleaner. Worth the money!

P/S : Girls, applying Make Up do require good brushes. But that also depend on how much care is given to them! Do love and take care your Make Up brushes accordingly! 

Aleen Abdollah

Sunday 6 September 2015

New Obsession ; Creamy Coconut Moisturizing Hand & Body Lotion by Marks & Spencer

Hi all, hope you're doing fine there! After a week break from everything I have pampered myself with many many things. From food, to beauty to fashion. I enjoyed every seconds! Although I did not go anywhere far from home,  I still had fun! Well today's post is nothing special aside from something I discovered from Marks & Spencer. Okay, during the break I did wondered around few shopping malls to find something nice to share with you out there. After all that, I plan to review them one by one to keep it interesting for you. So today, I am going to share to you about my new obsession out of all the discoveries. Which brings us back to, the Creamy Coconut Moisturizing Hand & Body Lotion by Marks & Spencer. 

First of all, if you do follow my blogs you would know I am easily obsessed with body lotions. I just cannot resist! However when I went into the Marks & Spencer outlet in Paradigm Mall, I swear I was just going for the amazing cookies they have in store but in the company of my housemate we marched to the beauty section and I just went "nah, not my thing" all the scent regimen smelt too floral for me. That was until I got to the coconut section! The scent is amazing, it really makes me feel as if I'm very close to the beach. And how relaxed I was by using this. How can I not be obsessed? The best part is, I assumed Marks & Spencer price range would be expensive which is why I have never thought of buying anything from there. Truth is, they're not at all! They are super affordable. This 300ml bottle of Creamy Coconut Moisturizing Hand & Body Lotion only cost me RM 21 each! Why I'm saying each? I actually got two. The other one in "Water Lily" which is great too. But at the moment this Coconut comes very handy at all time. I even have this on my bed side, to ease my sleep. If you get want I mean.

The texture of this hand and body lotion is very light, which I love as it dries easier once applied. However, you will not feel as moisturized as heavier body lotions. If you have dry skin, this definitely will not help much. If you have normal skin, it will do fine as it does to me, everyday! I hope you can tell how obsessed I am with this. And lastly if you are planning on getting this(which I hope you do though), I hope it'll help you as much as it did to me!

With love, 
Aleen Abdollah