Wednesday, 29 July 2015


Hello Darlings, my name's Azleen Shafina Binti Abdollah also prefer to be called Aleen. I am new here in the blooging world. If you're wondering why. I just love sharing thoughts and review on the things I've either purchased or tried. Honestly, am a girl with a high obsession of watching vlogs and reading blogs. I just love how others share their opinions on something and were inspired to do the same. Hope you guys enjoy this blog as much as I enjoy reading others.

Okay, just let me tell you little about myself. Keep on reading if you're interested. I am now at the age of 22, I was actually a graduate from a make up academy called Stella In - International. I graduated in the year 2012 when I was just 19 years old. I hope this explains why I have a high obsession towards beauty reviews and all that. Thanks to a friend of mine for encouraging me on doing this blog as she sees that I just love sharing on new products to her and also due to that it got her spending her pennies! Which tells me, I'm not bad ey? Alright, let's not get to carried away now huh?

Although, I'm a Make Up school graduate that doesn't mean I am living the life. I was too afraid to go on as a Make Up Artist that I am actually just working on the retail line after I graduated up to now. It's been years. I know. Doing this blog also motivates me to do what I want to, one of these days. I have been obsessing on the beauty line since ever! I guess it was from the way I was raised that effects it all? My mom has always been my queen. She brings out the "feminine" in me if that even makes sense? I don't know. I remember wearing lip balms at the age of 6 and nail polishes at the age of  8. And I enjoyed it ever since!

Don't get me wrong, I still love other things as in Food and Beverages, Fashions, Vacations and etc. Which means, my blog not only reviews on beauty. It also reviews and posts on other things that brings happiness to life! Well, that's about it on the intro. I hope you darlings enjoy this first post. For more to come, alright? Till we meet again on the next post.


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